sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2009

- Hey Juliet!
- Oh! Sophie, you scared me.
- What were you thinking about? – asked Sophie.
- Oh, me? Nothing.
- You’ve been looking at selling point of the prom tickets for a week now.
- No I haven’t.
All right, I love having Sophie as my best friend, she is always with me since, well, since I remember, but sometimes having a friend that knows about you more than yourself might be a pain in the ass.
- Yes you have. What’s happening to you? Do you want to go to the prom?
Yes, yes, yes I do want to go to the prom, but I don’t have a boyfriend and a dress, and I absolutely don’t have the right body to fit in the right dress that would be too expensive.
- Who said that? Me? In the prom? Right … You know I hate parties.
- You should go to the prom, I am going.
- Really? Since when ?
- Since Brenan asked me to go with him yesterday.
- Why haven’t you told me that ?
- I knew you would be upset.
I told you, she knows more about me than myself, it’s scary sometimes. Ok, now Sophie was going to the prom with her new boyfriend, and I was going to be at home, alone, having some ice cream and watching Bridget Jones. My life sucks.
- I am not upset. Look, Mr. Callumn class is about to begin, I don’t want to miss this class about poems.
- You hate poems.
- No I don’t.
- Yes you do.
- All right, I DO hate poems.
- I knew it. Let’s go to class.

2 comentários:

  1. *-* Você me fez chorar aqui agora...
    Só eu sei o quanto essa história é importante pra mim...
    Ainda sou a Sophie né??!
    TE AMO³!

    ainda vou morrer por causa da saudade...

  2. que fofo!! ")
    é uma história?
    ou só um textinho?
    Se tiver continuação, por favor, não exite em prosseguir!!
